Friday, 25 May 2007

The start of something?

I am expecting twins!

More precisely my partner Sarah is expecting twins.

I though I might try to record this period in our life to share with family and friends. I will probably get bored with it all and move on to something else soon enough, but for the moment lets see how I get on. I suppose I am aware at how much our lives are going to change and I'm concerned I won't have the time to speak to everyone. I am also aware that I might forget this period of time in the future and I think that would be a shame.

If anyone else has just found out they are expecting twins then perphaps this might act as a crystal ball to see what you can expect. I would however at this point state that I wouldn't recommend blogs as your primary source of information about your future twins. There are plenty of books out there for you to read.

I suppose that if nothing else I will be able to say that I have a blog when people ask, not that they do.

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